November 22, 2008

  • Bz visit - day 2, pt. 2

    Continuing with B's visit.  We are in Karatsu walking to the castle.  Here is an old stone bridge that we saw on the way.  The tide seems to have gone out and we can see some of the river bed.

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    There were zillions of little crabs!!

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    B goes down for a closer look.

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    We are approaching Karatsu Castle seen across the river.

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    Let's go over the bridge to the castle.

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    You can either climb the stairs to the castle or take an elevator up.  We all went up in the elevator.

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    We passed by some local residents on the way.

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    This kitty was at the top.  The poor thing was so hungry that it was willing to eat the pieces of cookie that we threw it.

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    I liked the lines made by the roof.  If you want to visit the castle in more detail, see the "Karatsu Castle" entry under "Events 2008"

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    Hub and B enjoying the scenery at the top.

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    These were being sold at a roadside shop.  They are wall vases shaped like various fish.  Pictures are cheaper and take up less room, so there is one.

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    If I were going to bring one home, this would be it!

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    We spotted something really cool on the way to our next stop...

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    Look at that!  One spider is eating another!!  Ewwww!  Cooooool!

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    Sonny B tries taking a parental picture, but it's awfully bright with the sun shining in our eyes!

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    Sonny B solves the problem by lending us his shadow.  Nice kid!

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    Sorry to include this display, but we just really like old style porcelain, no matter what shape it takes!  This was just a restored old facility, and not for practical use.  I also have memories from many years back of B running all over a recreated old fashioned village looking in the houses for these fixtures.  He was so excited to see the "松竹梅便所" that he opened a door and ran inside only to find that it led nowhere but to a stairless outside.  He had worked up so much momentum that he just kept going out and down and ended up with a slightly sprained ankle.

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