July 13, 2009

  • To be festive or not to be festive...?  It is a difficult question.  Yamakasa began as a shrine festival that has turned into a sporting event of sorts, but it is still definitely a shrine festival.  There are some who would say that I should have nothing to do with it because it is tantamount to participating in the worship of demons that takes place at the shrines.  One Christian acquaintance is even doing a prayer walk around the Yamakasa race course.  But this is obviously Japanese culture that the Japanese evaluate in a very positive light.  Where does one draw the line in rejecting what is in opposition to the God of the Bible?  The prayer walker gives me the impression that she may be rejecting her culture based on a bit of prejudice.  She is a relatively new Christian and may also need time to sort out and reconcile her beliefs to what goes on around her.  Or it may be that I am the one who lacks spiritual sensitivity in these areas.  When you get right down to it, none of it is pleasing to God.  She said one of the Yamakasa was gross because it was decorated with snakes, frogs and a demon.  I don't have any qualms about snakes or frogs, and if she had done a bit of checking, she would have found out that the figure was not a demon, but a fellow from a ninja fairy tale.  Other figures adorning the Yamakasa include historical or mythical figures, local talent and cartoon characters, all of which would hardly be called demonic.  I understand her dislike of the festival, but at least let it be informed dislike and not unexamined prejudice.  If I am presenting Yamakasa, I am only documenting what takes place.  We need accurate information in order to have any kind of discussion about anything.  It is hard for me to draw a line.  Perhaps that fact should bother me.