August 29, 2009

  • August 29 Kurume Ishibashi Art Museum

    Today's "GO SOMEWHERE" is to the town of Kurume, the Ishibashi Art Museum.  Fortunately or unfortunately, all of the good pictures have been temporarily sent to the town of Miyazaki in an exchange program, so we get to see the pictures from the Miyazaki museum and will have to go again to see the pictures in the Kurume museum.  We will have to go the the Kurume museum again, but we won't have to go to the Miyazaki museum, which is not so easily gotten to.

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    This is a scene in Kurume Station - Sushi rolls!

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    A Kurume manhole.  Kurume is apparently famous for its woven fabrics.

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    It just happened to be election time, and here is Hubby with a poster for one of his acquaintences, Kunio Hatoyama, brother of the present Prime minister.

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    Now this was something different!  A name stamp (inkan) store had borrowed Mr. Obama's picture and made it to read, "Yes, Inkan!"

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    At the entrance to the Ishibashi Museum of Art in Kurume.

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    The museum in the background with scenery in the foreground.

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    Some flowers on the museum grounds

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    Some children had done some artwork of their own inside the museum and pasted it all on a window.

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