September 26, 2009

  • September 26 - Munakata Shrine

    Todaze GO SOMEWHERE is Munakata Jinja.  Hubby thinks Dotter needs to go and see a museum that is here, so we went.  This is our second time to go, so I stayed outside and caught up on some study while they went in the museum.  Dotter is afraid of bees for some reason I cannot imagine whatever for, and there happened to be flying Vienna wieners in great profusion on this particular day, so she spent much of the time cringing in panic.

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    An Internet picture of the critter in question.  I don't particularly care for them myself, but in most cases you better not bother them because their stingers are not barbed and they will nail you numerous times as they let off a scent which calls their entire hivey mafia to come and stab you to death.  They get especially touchy when the weather gets chilly because their food supply (other bugs) goes into hibernation.

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    She hears the buzzing and takes cover because bees think that people wearing black are bears trying to steal their honey.

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    We found this feller floundering on his back and rescued him.  Now she has no trouble with this bug crawling on her but goes into a frenzy if a bee just flies over her head.  She is afraid that she may be allergic and go into anaphylactic shock if she gets stung.  I think she has been watching too much Dr. House.

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    Supposedly the largest jingle bell in the country

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    Supposedly the largest rope in the country

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    Inside of a different small shrine on the property.  There were bees flying outside, hence the uneasy expression.

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    A pull rope outside the shrine that rings an above bell for prayer.

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    This priest was doing a ceremony to drive bad spirits, karma or whatever away from a parishioner.  He was a fabulous drummer.  I wanted to go around to his right to take a picture, but since the parishioner had paid for the chanting I didn't feel free to move around rubbernecking.  I did take the following video, but later realized that I had taken it on its side, sorry.  It is a good show, though.

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