November 6, 2009

  • November 7 - Imari

    The town of Imari served as a seaport to export the ceramics made in Arita from the 17th century, and also had a few kilns itself.  The name of the town is famous, but the town itself was a bit smaller than what we expected.  Still, it was certainly worth the trip.

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    This is Imari Station.  There are two train lines coming into the city, and the two stations are connected by a bridge over the street.

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    Here are two large ceramic dolls decorating the main street, seen larger below.

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    This place has a history as a ceramic city, and all of the shards are put to use, even in the pavement!  There was actually not much to see in the city itself.  The main tourist attraction is a place called Okawa-Uchiyama, a small group of kilns and shops tucked away in the mountains outside the city.

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    We have taken a bus to the historical part of town outside the city.

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    Here is some mosaic work done on a bridge - more shards.

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    We will cross this bridge and then look back.

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    Our first stop is at a small museum that shows some of the rocks that are ground to a powder to make the fine clay used in the ceramics produced here.

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    The museum also gave suggestions for using traditional dishes for festive table settings.  This is for the New Year.

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    Here are some of the mountains where the materials to make the clay are found.  Follow this little ceramic road to see the sights. 

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    We are going for a walk around the town.  Here is another view of the mosaic bridge.

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    This shop specializes in green celadon ware.

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    See the smokestacks in the small kilns on the left?

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    Now this cup I will have to remember to come back and pick up later!!

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    Let's continue on up the main drag.

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    A picturesque street to the left.  The place with the orange flowers is another celadon ware shop, but it was small and I was afraid of turning around and knocking over pricey products.

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    The outside of the shop was sell decorated.  The Haniwa figure on the left is like those found in old tombs.

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    This vintage structure was outside of one of the shops.

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    Sigh...  I can't bring home everything!

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    Let's JUST take a look in here.

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    No buying yet, I have to wait for that SPECIAL mug.

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    The walls along this brook are decorated with dishes.

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    Back to the important business of shopping!

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    Roof Tiles

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    Another festive place setting.

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    Here we are back again at the shop where I saw that first lovely cup.  I think this was my favorite place of all the shops.  The style of dishes is traditional old fashioned Imari ware, but done with a modern touch.

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    These small plates were cute, but too small to really use for anything and $20 each, so I brought them home in a picture.

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    I thought about getting a couple of these, but Hubby didn't like them enough for the price.

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    I brought a pair of these home.  In Fukuoka there are just the two of us, so we don't need more than a couple of anything.

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    Interesting, but a bit on the Draculian side.

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    Scenes from Imari are depicted above and below.

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    There was a butterfly in the flowers.

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    Let's JUST LOOK in another shop.

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    Bunny shaped dishes with various designs

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    Above and below are real antiques.

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    Kimono shaped dishes

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    Lovely, but too much money.

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    2010 is the year of the tiger.

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    Also nice, but not for that price.

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    Now THIS gives me a case of shopper's regret, but since the cup is not very large I would probably never use it and just leave it tenderly in a box in the closet.  I might also have liked it better without the flower.

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    An opalesque coffee cup

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    It is about time for the bus to come and take us back to Imari Station, but here is some scenery on the way to the bus stop.

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    What's over this bridge?

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    Some ceramic chimes to announce the hour, and a mill of sorts for grinding stone.

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    When the water fills these three dugout logs, they become heavy and tip to dump the water, and a pestle on the other end rises and falls to crush stone in a stone bowl.

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