November 18, 2011

  • November 18, 2011 Sakurajima

     We are making a trip to Sakurajima today. 

    Let's go to Tontoro Ramen to fortify ourselves for the trip.

    Here is the bowl of noodles advertised in the guide books.  It was pretty good.

    Now we are in a ferry from Kagoshima City Port over to the volcanic island of Sakurajima.

    The ferries are always running, and leave every 15 or so minutes.  The fare one way for the fifteen minute ride is about $2.00

    We are now on Sakurajima, and there has been some recent volcanic activity as can be seen from the ashes on the plant life.

    I have had my eyes on these tea bowls for a couple of years.  They are in the gift shop near the harbor.  They have a $200 price tag, which seems a bit steep.  The wooden boxes are aged and discolored, which would indicate that the merchandise has been on the shelf for quite awhile.  If you ask me, they should lower the price and get the merchandise moving.  At their present price, I am very happy with just a picture.

    Their was a shrine up here, but neither of us remember what it looked like.

    There is steam coming out of this vent, a natural volcanic hot spring.

    Low tide on the beach


    Let's walk around a bit.  That black sand is volcanic ash.  Have a seat on the bench?  I don't think so.

    I dug a hole in the ashes down to the sidewalk.

    Lava field

    The ferries come and go.


    It's time to head back, so let's get aboard.

    Getting dark

    This is the next day.  We have just gotten off the bus near MiL's hospital.  Behold the lovely seats. Some of them even have plants growing in the cracks!  This eyesore has since been removed.

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