June 30, 2015

  • Somebody Do Something!

    We have a couple of goats in the neighborhood. They live in a fenced in area and keep the grass short. Today I happened to be passing by and one of the goats was protesting because its front leg was caught in some netting. It was a simple matter to call the goat office as the number was posted on the fence. As I was on the phone the goat finally managed to free itself anyway, but I ask myself why everyone just stands around watching everyone else do nothing about a simple problem? The Japanese ladies all said they were glad that I was there to call the goat office, but they didn't have a phone among them? Or am I just a busybody...

    A few days from this writing, a 6th grade student will be kidnapped in Nara from the bathroom of a recycle shop. One of the store employees on a smoking break hears her screams but does nothing. He could prevent the abduction, but does nothing. The girl is found and her abductor is arrested, but the entire incident could have been prevented so easily. When in doubt, get involved!!