May 7, 2021

  • One year later and it still hasn't gotten there!

    From one year ago - Super cows in my Mother's Day road - A few years ago I had a dream that my life depended on being able to navigate a rural road and take off in a small plane. Just as I attempted to get up enough speed, some idiot herded a bunch of cows onto the road, It was a decision to either suspend take-off or wreck my plane producing hamburger At that point I woke up, but the dream was quite memorable.
    St. Mother's Day is coming up this weekend, and my plane is totally kaput. I saw a lovely sample card in the store and asked a clerk for one because there were none actually for sale. She looked in a drawer under the counter and found one which I promptly purchased. Somehow my bag felt flimsy and I found out that I only had an empty envelope, the one that belonged to the sample. OK, just sell me the sample and I can remove the price tag myself.
    Then Golden Week holidays happened and the Post Office was closed for five days. I knew the card would be late, so I tried sending a Barnes & Noble Nook gift card that would be deliverable by timely email, but no, they would not accept an order from a foreign address.
    Ok, so let's send an equivalent amount of cash with the card that will be late. The Corona Virus has all of the Post Offices closing at 3:00 pm, so trotted my self over there so as to be in time and stand in the long socially distanced line, only to be told that there is no Air Mail going to the US at this time and the only way to send the card was by sea.. MOOOOOOOOO.