October 11, 2009

  • I was thinking about a Sunday School lesson this morning for my class of one.  The theme was frustration, and the frustrated fellow was Elijah.  We followed how he hid in the wilderness and was fed by ravens, how he was provided for by a widow who trusted God and how he was victorious over the priests of Baal on Mt. Nebo.  With each event God built Elijah's faith, but after the Mt. Nebo victory, Queen Jezebel sought to take Elijah's life.  Elijah was exhausted and so depressed that he told God that he just wanted to die.  God provided encouragement and assistance for Elijah when the burden became too great.  What happened to Elijah in the end, and what happened to Jezebel?  Jezebel was thrown out a window to her death, after which her body was eaten by dogs.  Elijah was taken up to heaven and appeared with Moses at the transfiguration, perhaps to offer encouragement to Christ Himself.  Romans 8:28 is really true.